Specialist : Ali UZUN

Phone : +90 212 359 72 42 , 359 76 18
Fax : +90 212 358 27 24
E-mail : ali.uzun@boun.edu.tr


In the XRD Facility of BU Advanced Tecnologies R&D Center, a Rigaku D/MAX-Ultima+/PC X-ray diffraction equipment with multi-purpose and high temperature attachments is now in service. 

The Rigaku's D/MAX-Ultima+/PC is engineered to create a multiple purpose configuration.

The switch from focusing optics to parallel beam optics is now possible without the need of optical realignment or the need to remove the sample. This easy 'drop in place' idea takes only seconds to do and the unique method of placement insures accurate reproducibility. An improved slit system provides additional versatility and the ease of use of this well designed system.

The Windows NT operating system enhances processing capability through a multi-tasking environment. The software is designed to utilize commercial office software and to network multiple users. The D/MAX instrument control and the popular 'Jade' pattern processing software packages are ideally suited for QC and R&D laboratories. 

Applications Programs

  • Phase identification through search / match
  • Quantitative analysis by RIR
  • Lattice parameter refinement
  • Profile fitting
  • Powder pattern analysis 


Versatile Hardware

Perform complex analysis without removing the sample

Pre-aligned optics can be placed to change the functionality of the optical arrangement without the need to remove any of the unique sample stages. Shown is the multi-purpose sample stage that allows materials evaluation by pole figure orientation determination, residual stress measurements, and thin film analysis.

Diffracted Beam Monochromator

Rigaku's diffracted beam monochromator is lightweight, compact, and tuned to popular wavelengths. A simple 90rotation of the crystal changes from a curved to a flat surface without the need for alignment.

Flexible Optical System

No alignment is needed when swapping between Bragg-Brentano focusing optics and parallel beam optics. This optical system permits replacement of the soller slits alone without removing the incidence slits (DS) and the receiving slits (SS & RS). The system is configured with variable slits making it practical to use either the fixed slit width method or the fixed irradiated width method. A set of apertures is included to help control irradiated area on sample.


High Linearity Scintillation Counter

Counting linearity up to 700,000CPS is standard for the compact scintillation detector.


Advanced, Comprehensive Software

Enhanced Screen

ON-SCREEN system status monitoring gives the operational status at-a-glance.

Simple Operation

Logical operation sequence provides simple measurement set up.

Sophisticated Analytical Function

Jade's pattern processing software and related programs are equally well received by both seasoned researchers and novice analysts.

Colorful Graphic Output

Jade's flexible on-screen data manipulation allows annotation, image zoom, insertion of characters and arrows, and more all in customizable colors.